
แลบแก๊ส จำหน่าย แก๊สบริสุทธิ์ ที่ใช้สำหรับงานวิจัย อุตสาหกรรมยา ปิโตรเคมี และอุตสาหกรรมต่างๆ รวมถึงการใช้งานทั่วไป งานสอบเทียบ และ แก๊สตัวอย่าง.

แก๊สหลักๆ ที่ทางบริษัทจำหน่าย ตามรายละเอียดตามด้านล่าง หากคุณลูกค้าสนใจสินค้า แก๊สอื่นๆ สามารถสอบถามทางLine Official : @LABGAZ ได้ตลอดเวลาทำการ ทางบริษัทจะทำการตอบกลับอย่างเร็วที่สุด 

Labgaz offers a variety of pure gases that are required throughout the various research institutions, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and related industries. Typical applications include chromatography carrier gases, continuous analyzer gases and sample purging.

Labgaz offers many types of pure gases available in containers ranging from small, non-refillable cylinders to cryogenic liquid containers.  Bulk gas delivery is available within Labgaz service. Pure gas quality is assured by Labgaz strict adherence to ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Standard( view certificate).

Our most common pure gases are detailed in the links below.  If you require a different gas, contact your local Labgaz store for pricing and availability

  • Acetylene อะเซทิลีน

    แก๊ส อะเซทิลีน
    ทางบริษัท รับบรรจุ แก๊ส อะเซทิลีน จำหน่ายท่อ และ แพ็ค ก๊าซอะเซทิลีน

    - Instrument Grade
    - Indrustral Grade

    -1.5 Kg.
    - 6 Kg.
    - 8 Kg.
    - คิดเป็นกิโลตามท่อลูกค้า

    Acetylene is a highly combustible gas composed of carbon and hydrogen. It is used as a fuel gas in the oxyacetylene welding process. An alternate definition is a fuel gas comprising two carbon atoms and two hydrogen atoms, C2H2. If acetylene is compressed on its own, it can lead to a highly exothermic reaction. For this reason, acetylene is supplied dissolved in acetone. Acetylene cylinders are made of a porous material capable of storing the acetone-acetylene solution.

    Cylinder Size Gas Content
    10 L------------------------------1.5 Kg.
    40 L------------------------------6 Kg.
    60 L------------------------------8 Kg.
    * Can Refill Your Cylinder
    * All measurements are nominal
  • Air, Compressed แอร์

    Compressed air
    O2 19-21% in Nitrogen

    - Ultra High Purity
    - High Purity
    7 m3----------47L.
    6 m3----------40L.
    1.5 m3--------10L.
    0.5 m3--------3.3L.

    Compressed air is a mixture of Nitrogen and Oxygen filled in high pressure cylinders. While Air does not burn, it does supply oxygen necessary for combustion. Compressed air is used in both industrial and medical applications.

    Norco Cylinder Size Volume (cubic feet)
    R 20
    40 40
    Q 80
    S 150
    K 220
    T 300

    *All measurements are nominal
  • Argon อาร์กอน

    - Ultra High Purity
    - High Purity
    - Industrial Grade
    7 m3----------47L.
    6 m3----------40L.
    1.5 m3--------10L.
    0.5 m3--------3.3L.

    Argon is a colorless and odorless monatomic gas with a density relative to air of 1.38. Its chemical symbol is Ar. Argon's most useful property is its total inertness to all substances at all temperatures and pressures. It is most widely used as shielding gas in arc welding.

    Norco Cylinder Size Volume (cubic feet)
    R 20
    40 40
    Q 80
    S 150
    K 200
    T 300
    GP55 5500

    * All measurements are nominal
  • Carbon Dioxide คาร์บอนไดออกไซด์

    - Ultra High Purity
    - High Purity
    - Industrial Grade
    - Food Grade
    - Diptube กรณีใช้เป็นแก๊สเหลว

    7 m3----------47L.
    6 m3----------40L.
    1.5 m3--------10L.
    0.5 m3--------3.3L.

    Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a nonflammable, colorless, odorless, non-toxic and slightly acidic gas. CO2 is a simple asphyxiant (lack of oxygen) and is approximately one and one-half times heavier than air.

    Carbon dioxide has unique characteristics as it can exist in three forms: gas, liquid and solid (dry ice). CO2 can be filled one container at a time by weight into cylinders or liquid cans. These containers can be modified to allow either gaseous or liquid use of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is typically stored in refrigerated liquid or vacuum jacketed tanks. These characteristics lend themselves to CO2's multitude of uses.

    At Norco, our carbon dioxide is available in the following sizes (designated as lbs.): 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 35, 50, 75, 100, 450 (GP 55)

    * All measurements are nominal
  • Carbon Monoxide คาร์บอนมอนออกไซด์

    Carbon Monoxide is a gas used in testing and calibration applications.

    Norco Cylinder Size Volume (cubic feet)
    R 20
    40 40
    Q 80
    S 150
    K 220
    T 300

    *All measurements are nominal
  • Helium ฮีเลียม

    - Ultra High Purity
    - High Purity
    - Industrial Grade
    - medical Grade

    7 m3----------47L.
    6 m3----------40L.
    1.5 m3--------10L.
    0.5 m3--------3.3L.

    Helium (He) is an inert gas and a member of the rare gas family. At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, helium is a colorless, odorless and tasteless. Gaseous helium is commonly shipped in cylinders at pressures between 2,000 to 2,600 psi. In liquid form, helium is shipped in vacuum insulated non-metal (aluminum) dewars at very low pressure. Helium is: a simple asphyxiant, colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, nonflammable, and lighter than air.

    Cryogenic helium is used extensively in laboratories and MRI units at hospitals. Helium is also used extensively in the welding industry as an inert shielding gas for arc welding. It is also used in mixtures of neon and argon for electronic tubes and the familiar neon signs.

    Helium is also used in laboratories as a leak detector, as a temperature standard, and as a carrier gas in gas chromatography . Mixtures of helium and oxygen are used as a diving gas for divers working under high pressures (created during low-depth diving).

    Use the chart below to estimate the required cylinder size needed for balloon filling capacity.

  • Hydrogen ไฮโดรเจน

    - Ultra High Purity
    - High Purity
    - Industrial Grade

    7 m3----------47L.
    6 m3----------40L.
    1.5 m3--------10L.
    0.5 m3--------3.3L.

    Composed of a single proton and a single electron, hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant element in the universe. It is estimated that 90% of the visible universe is composed of hydrogen. Hydrogen is a commercially important element. Large amounts of hydrogen are combined with nitrogen from the air to produce ammonia (NH3) through a process called the Haber process. Hydrogen is also added to fats and oils, such as peanut oil, through a process called hydrogenation. Liquid hydrogen is used in the study of superconductors and, when combined with liquid oxygen, makes an excellent rocket fuel.

    Norco Cylinder Size Volume (cubic feet)
    R 20
    40 40
    Q 80
    S 150
    K 220
    T 300

    * All measurements are nominal
  • Methane มีเทน

    - Ultra High Purity
    - High Purity

    7 m3----------47L.
    6 m3----------40L.
    1.5 m3--------10L.
    0.5 m3--------3.3L.

    Methane is a fuel gas and a member of the paraffins family. It is the simplest hydrocarbon molecule, comprising one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms, CH4.

    Norco Cylinder Size Volume (cubic feet)
    R 20
    40 40
    Q 80
    S 150
    K 220
    T 300

    * All measurements are nominal
  • Nitrogen ไนโตรเจน

    - Ultra High Purity
    - High Purity
    - Industrial Grade
    - medical Grade
    - Food Grade

    7 m3----------47L.
    6 m3----------40L.
    1.5 m3--------10L.
    0.5 m3--------3.3L.
    Liqude คิดกิโลตามถัง

    Nitrogen (N2) is an inert gas. At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, Nitrogen is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Nitrogen is commonly shipped in cylinders at pressures between 2,000 to 2,600 psi. In liquid form, it is shipped in vacuum liquid can containers at pressures ranging from 22 to 600 psi.

    Norco Cylinder Size Volume (cubic feet)
    R 20
    40 40
    Q 80
    S 150
    K 220
    T 330
    GP55 5500

    * All measurements are nominal
  • Nitrous Oxide ไนตรัสออกไซด์

    - Ultra High Purity
    - High Purity
    - medical Grade

    7 m3----------47L.
    6 m3----------40L.
    1.5 m3--------10L.
    0.5 m3--------3.3L.

    Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is a clear, colorless, oxidizing liquefied gas with a slightly sweet odor. The product is stable and inert at room temperature. The U. S. Department of Transportation classifies nitrous oxide as a non-flammable gas. Nitrous Oxide will support combustion and can detonate at temperatures in excess of 650° C (1202° F).
    Over 80 percent of the Nitrous Oxide market is used as an analgesic property in the medicine/dentist industry.

    * Available for laboratory and food dispensing only. Not available for automotive or racing applications.

    Norco Cylinder Size Volume (cubic feet)
    R 20
    40 40
    Q 80
    S 150
    K 220
    T 300

    * All measurements are nominal
  • Oxygen ออกซิเจน

    - Ultra High Purity
    - High Purity
    - Industrial Grade
    - medical Grade

    7 m3----------47L.
    6 m3----------40L.
    1.5 m3--------10L.
    0.5 m3--------3.3L.

    At room temperature and atmospheric pressure, oxygen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. It is pale blue when liquid or solid. Gaseous oxygen is commonly shipped in cylinders at pressures between 2,000 to 2,600 psi. In liquid form, oxygen is shipped in vacuum insulated liquid can containers at pressures ranging from 22 to 600 psi.

    Norco Cylinder Size Volume (cubic feet)
    R 20
    40 40
    Q 80
    S 150
    K 220
    T 330
    GP55 5500

    * All measurements are nominal
  • Sulfur Hexaflouride ซัลเฟอร์ เฮกซาฟูโอไรด์

    Sulfur hexafluoride, SF6, is a colorless gas soluble in alcohol and ether. It is slightly soluble in water and sublimes at -64°C. It is a non-flammable liquefied compressed gas filled in high pressure cylinders.

    Norco Cylinder Size Volume (cubic feet)
    R 20
    40 40
    Q 80
    S 150
    K 220
    T 300

    * All measurements are nominal
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